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Explicit Music is the publishing company that deals with Wud Records and all of the bands that come under the Wud Records label. Explicit Music is headquartered in Exeter, England.
Wear a Feather in Your Hat by Pok the Bard.
Album: Anthology
Well we came across some Indians, they were sitting in our road
And with careful words we offered peace and them our weapons showed
They made it and said that they sought a man with such purple skin
If we had him there on board they’d scalp and do us in
“It’s a long time since I saw such a man,” I said and they replied
“OK, go on, you tell the truth. I can see it in your eyes.”
Later on our road there was a boulder in our path
Meg the man said “What can we do? No way can we get past.”
I steamed a bit and thought a bit and said “This man tells the truth.”
So I gave up being leader and sat down to pick my tooth
Meg took on the role and quickly had it sussed
With forty pounds of dynamite the rock he did bust
Soon the cook was heard to cry: “There is no more water left in here! –
I am making a casserole and the pot is boiling dry.”
So I threw a coin up into the air, said: “This one I’ll try.”
A few words from the good old book and rain fell from the sky
“What was the other choice you had?” they asked and I replied
“I don’t want to answer that now. Now let me out, I want to pass.”
Vainly nightfall does its bit and we rattle on in dark
Toothy starts a-singing, he says it’s for a lark
Unfortunate for him it wakes something to cause his demise
A stowaway that was on board pokes his head outside
Toothy gets a fright and falls down and dies
What was more was still to come – at night, colour lies
Of the four of us left on the bus – Mook, Meg, Mog and I
Not one of us did realise until the sun did rise
That the new man who’d spent the night explaining who he was and where he’d been
Had a case of the most purple skin we’d ever seen
We whistled nervously ’til mid-afternoon
Then Meg saw a bunch of Redskins, I fell down in a swoon
Round about that time an eagle flies on down
Says we gotta wrap it up here before we reach the next town
So he does a bit of act shifting, messes around with our scene
The Indians become a film projection on a Hollywood film screen
What a pity they had to go like that, we could have made some friends
The purple man smiles, disappears, and leaves a feather where he’s been
Get up, stand up, be yourself, wear a feather in your hat
If you truly believe in yourself you will remember that
When you see your light a-coming, and come to you it will
Expose yourself to its full rays and just soak up your fill
You can be so lonely or you can be amazed
Take my advice my friend and wear a feather above your face
Get up, stand up, be yourself, wear a feather in your hat
If you truly believe in yourself you will remember that
When you see your light a-coming, and come to you it will
Expose yourself to its full rays and just soak up your fill
You can be a man of wud or you can go insane
Take our advice my friend and wear a feather above your brain
Lyrics by Simon Miller.
Copyright ℗ 1985 Pok Songs / Explicit Music.
Music and lyrics by Simon Miller.
Copyright ℗ 1985 Pok Songs / Explicit Music.
This arrangement by Pok, Maxx Damage and Sven Stiglund.
Pok’s guitars and voices recorded at Wud Records Studio One, Exeter, 2017.
Everything else recorded at Wud Records Studio One, Central Europe, 2024.
Engineered, mixed, produced and mastered at Wud Records Studio One, Central Europe, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 Wud Records.
Pok the Bard – voices, lead and rhythm guitars
Maxx Damage – bass
Sven Stiglund – drums, percussion
* Wear a Feather in Your Hat gallops along at 180 BPM.
* The intro beings in the key of A minor, then switches to A major for the rest of the song.
* Pok plays three tracks on the Gretsch acoustic guitar.
* The lead part was one long improvised take, and the first.
* Maxx plays a bassline similar to the one on the Indeed version of the song.
* Sven’s drumming is enhanced by the percussion he played.
* Percussion instruments used were a home-made shaker, egg shaker, guiro, cabasa, congas and bongos.
* The lyrics tell a fabulous fictitious tale.
* There is a wud in the last verse!
* Wear a Feather in Your Hat was recorded at A = 432 hz.
See also: